Top Five Beauty Favorites Of The Month

Raw diet promotes beauty. To begin with, one reaches his or her ideal weight more readily and maintains it with much less effort than on a cooked diet. Many people lose 15 pounds in a month or two with no feeling of deprivation whatsoever. Obese people lose much more than that while eating raw fats all they want, including raw "ice cream," avocados, nuts and olives. Raw fats (from avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, coconut butter et al.) are actually needed by the body to maintain youthful skin, hair and glands. They are rich in the essential fatty acids linolenic acid and linoleic acid that are denatured by heat.

BONUS TIP! A beauty spa can do amazing things for your overall beauty and mental happiness. Most people enjoy the feeling of relaxation and find that their whole body is refreshed.

Have some Vitamin E around. Vitamin E has multiple uses. For instance, eating foods rich in vitamin E or using soap with vitamin E in it makes your skin softer. You can also use it to keep your nails smooth and your cuticles nice and soft.

What's more is that when you a2 ghee skin benefits add orchid plants to your outdoor collection you can be sure than butterflies and other delightful creatures will flock to your garden thereby you also help contribute to maintaining the natural balance in the environment. Bees and butterflies all help in pollinating and can promote the better growth of other plants, as well.

A glowing and healthy skin best reflects your inner and exterior beauty. When it comes to skin care products, we usually think of cold creams and anti aging creams. However the range of skin care products is very large. Skin care includes the care for whole body not just faces or neck or hands which people see.

Day 8 and after the usual treatment I have to sniff some medicated oils and then the masseuse (who delivers all the treatments) tells me she is going to clean my ears. I am expecting an ear candle but instead some herbs are heated in a coconut shell. A bent metal pipe is inserted in a hole at the top of the shell and warm smoke blows out the pipe and into my ears. How pleasant! She then fans me with a tea towel dipped in hot herbal oil.

Depending on your doshric makeup (vata, pitta, or kapha), kicharee can be dressed up, dressed down and flavored for maximum benefits. It is the base upon which a tasty and nourishing meal is created.

Kapha Remedies - more info Kapha skin is largely oil and supple, the regular problems are usually of acne and pimples associated with oily skin. Toners and cleansers give good care to the skin. Aloe vera, sage leaf, lotus petals, rose petals, etc are good herbs for Kapha type skin.

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